Good Singing, Good Fellowship, Public Service

AMCofA Big Sings

Associated Male Choruses of America Big Sings are an important annual event which bring together men for a weekend of singing, fellowship, and camaraderie, culminating in a massed choir concert on Saturday evening.

The following video is from the Saturday afternoon rehearsal at a recent Upper Midwest District Big Sing.

A host chorus (with guidance from a District or International Committee) plans the Big Sing. Choruses come together for comraderie, support, and learning. Clinicians are invited to listen to and work with choruses. Choruses listen to each other; new music materials are presented and sung in reading sessions; various workshops are presented to assist choruses in the own performances; choruses present their own solo selections. Finally, the choruses rehearse together and join in a festival concert with ALL the choruses singing together.

There usually is "social" time incorporated in the day(s) for singers and their "supporters" and a final "social" (usually called an "afterglow") may cap the Big Sing activities after all the formal events have taken place. Choruses will usually sing their "lighter" selections for each other and many of these social/singing gatherings continue far into the night.

(There are usually no competitions/ratings between choruses except in a "friendly" sort of way. No one is designated a "winner" or a "loser".) We are all here because we love to sing, and are always looking for opportunities to improve our performance.

(2024) Cold Spring, Minnesota, Hosted by The Cold Spring Area Maennerchor

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