Eau Claire Male Chorus

Eau Claire Male Chorus 2007

Eau Claire Male Chorus
(Information from Big Sing 2008 Concert Program)

    The Eau Claire Male Chorus was organized in 1946 and is the longest continuous performing arts group in the Eau Claire (Wisconsin) Area. The first director was Ed Hagen. The chorus was instrumental in developing the Upper Midwest District of AMCA in the 1940's and has hosted several Upper Midwest District Big Sings (including Multi-District Big Sing 2008).

    In addition to winter and spring concerts in Eau Claire, the chorus entertains at sporting events, civic celebrations, nursing homes, churches, banquets and parties. Known for an enthusiastic style, the chorus performs a wide variety of music.

    Each year generous individuals and businesses financially support the chorus through membership subscriptions. Chorus members and spouses also assist at Eau Claire area events such as Country Jam and air shows.

    The chorus is directed by David Fehr and accompanied by Karol Hommen and draws members from the Chippewa Valley area of western Wisconsin.